It's been pretty heavy lately.
This year has been a shitty one so far. Remember those wildfires in Australia? All those cute koalas being burned to a crisp? Turns out 2020 was just getting started with that one. Merely a warm-up for the crapfest that was to come. The latest calamity, of course, is the most recent civil unrest around the treatment of Black people by police, specifically the case of Jacob Blake of Kenosha, Wisconsin. Blake was stopped by police with his three kids in a van, and as the video showed, went around his van to reach inside it. There was a knife inside the van, but it's unclear if he was trying to get it. Blake ended up with seven bullets in his back. He didn't die, but it looks like he's going to be paralyzed from the waist down. His family is now claiming that he's also presently handcuffed to his hospital bed. That seems like a little overkill, doesn't it? At an anti-brutality demonstration in Kenosha a couple of days ago, a 17 year old kid, Kyle Rittenhouse, decided ...